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"Coexistence and strengthening of ties"

  1. Public: children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years.

  2. Assisted: 220 children and adolescents.

  3. Teams  involved:

    - Management team: Director (2 priests) + Administrative Director + Social Assist.  + Contact person + Campus Educators I + Educators II +Social  Assist.  (volunteer).

    - 14 educators (contracted) + 25 educators (volunteers).

  4. Timetable:- Monday to Friday in the morning (from 8:30 am to 11:30 am) and in the afternoon (from 1:30 pm to16:30). Furthermore, weekly one morning and one afternoon are dedicated to training, planning, coordination and evaluation.

  5. Locations: In two campuses or centers, one belonging to the institution, the other belonging to the Municipality of Serra, because it was  the Municipality which asked us to take over the service.

  6. Type of service offered: Capoeira laboratories, sports, break-dance, ballet, support pedagogical, human values, music and more.


"Professional courses"

  1. Public: young people and adults aged 16 to 35 years

  2. Served: 80

  3. Team involved:

    - Director (2 parents) + Administrative + Social Assist.+ Campus Educator Referent I + Campus Reference Educator II + social Assist. Social (volunteer).

    - Partner organizations: Escelsa, Sebrai, Senac.

  4.  Timetable: Monday to Friday in the morning (8:30 am to 11:30 am).

  5. Locations :  Different spaces of the Communities, spread out in the the two districts in which we have developed our job: Feu Rosa and Vila Nova de Colares (Serra).

  6. Type of service offered: manicure course - embroidery course - course for electricians - course to become an administrative technician.




"Family project"

  1. Público: Famílias das crianças, adolescentes ou jovens atendidos.

  2. Atendidos: 130 famílias

  3. Equipe envolvida:

    - Equipe Diretiva: Diretor (2 padres) + Administrativa + Assist. Social + Educadora Referência do Campus I + Educadora Referência do Campus II + Assist. Social (voluntária).

    - 5 Voluntários próprios para este serviço.

  4. Tempos: Terça-feira (19:30h-21:00h), uma vez por mês.

  5. Locais: No Campus I do ‘Centro Social São José de Calasanz’.

  6. Tipo de serviço oferecido: Atendimento, formação e seguimento das famílias que participam do projeto através de encontros e palestras grupais mensais e de um seguimento particular, visando a educação e formação das mesmas e a geração de renda alternativa.

  1. Addressed to: children of the fifth year of the municipal school where they have developed this project.

  2. Assisted: 150 children (five rooms).

  3. Team involved:

    - Director (2 priests) + Administrative + Assist. Social + Campus Educator, Reference I + Campus Reference Educator II + Assist. Social (voluntary).

    - 2 volunteers for this service.

  4. Timetable:-  Monday (7:00 to 11:00), every week.

  5. Locations: at the municipal school of Valéria (Vila Nova de Colares).

  6. Type of service offered: Education of Human Values ​​for children in the 5th year of school, through the application of a methodology gathered in the brochure published for this purpose.




"School project"




"Project educators"

  1. Addressed to: educators working in the various programs of the "SJC Social Center".

  2. Assisted: 40 educators (some are never involved).

  3. Team involved:

    -Management team: Director (2 parents) + Administrative + Social Assist.  + Campus Educator Reference I + Campus Reference Educator II + Assist. Social (voluntary).

  4. Timetable: Monday (13:30 - 16:30), once a month.

  5. Location: In Campus I of the 'São José de Calasanz Social Center'.

  6. Type of service offered: Education and training for over 40 educators who develop the project in their various programs (volunteers are over 25), through meetings of group and monthly lessons and personal accompaniment, aiming at building what is considered the soul of our project: the mystique of the project, the enchanting attraction to our charisma and our cause.



"São José de Calasanz Social Center Bazaar"

  1. Addressed to: families in financial difficulties.

  2. Directed towards: numerous families.

  3. Team involved:

    - Management team: Director (2 parents) + Administrative + Social Assist.  + Campus Educator. Reference I + Campus Reference Educator II + Assist. Social (volunteer).+ Volunteers for this service.

  4. Timetable: - Wednesday and Friday (13:30 - 16:30), every week.

  5. Location : space dedicated to the development of this service, in the middle of the Feu Rosa district.

  6. Type of service offered: sale of clothing at extremely reduced prices for needy families, and the creation of an alternative source of income to help support the costs of the "SJC Social Center".




“Teen Apprentice"

  1. Aimed at: teenagers who will leave the coexistence  project  and reinforcement of ties for those  15 years old and over.

  2. Assisted: 70 adolescents (two rooms at the beginning)

  3. Team involved:

    -Educadores contratados e Voluntários para desenvolver este serviço. Management team: Director (2 priests) + Administrative + Social Assist.  + Campus Educator. Reference I + Campus Reference Educator II + Assist. Social (voluntary).

  4. Timetable-: Monday to Friday in the morning (from 8:30 am to 11:30 am) and in the afternoon (from 1:30 pm to16:30).

  5. Location: in the rooms built for this project, in Campus I of the 'Social Center'.

  6. Type of service offered: frequency, education, training and follow-up of adolescents and their families, through the preparation of the same for the apprenticeship in the various companies partners who hire them as "apprentices".



"Urban Youth - Calasanz"

  1. Aimed at: teenagers and young people aged 15 to 18 who attend school.

  2. Assisted: 60 adolescents (two groups) of the geographical territory.

  3. Management team:

    - Equipe Director (2 priests) + Administrative + Social Assist. + Campus Educator Reference I + Campus Reference Educator II + Assist. Social (voluntary). - 3 hired educators and several volunteers able to develop this service.

  4.  Timetable : Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the morning (8:30 am - 11:30 am) and afternoon (1:30 pm - 4:30 pm). The two more days are for planning and evaluation.

  5. Location: various spaces of the Communities and the 'SJC Social Center' (Campus I).

  6. Type of service offered: frequency, education, training and follow-up (monitoring) of the adolescents and young people participating in this project through their own methodology, already tested previously by the "SJC Social Center", making the young man be protagonist in its own territory. In the Gallery Below you can see the photos and videos of the work done at our São Social Center José de Calasanz

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